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Edge to Edge (E2E), non-custom

$.020- $.035 square inch, depending on the

density of the design

E2E PLUS custom border (1 main design, 1 border)

$.03 - $.045 square inch

Custom Quilting

NOTE: I am not taking custom quilt work at this time.


There are many designs to accentuate the quilt top; this could include ruler work, marking, varied motifs, thread changes, borders. . . . .

$.04-.06 square inch


Completed Quilt Trimmed - FREE

Attach Binding  - TBD

Minimum Charge - $35

Thread Changes - $3-5       

BATTING -  To be determined at time of quilting

Terri Longarm Machine Up Close.jpg


60" x 70" quilt top = 4,200 square inches

Simple E2E

E2E plus Custom Border


4,200 x .02 = $84.00

4,200 x .035 = $147.00

4,200 x .05 = $210.00

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